Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Filipino Lemonade

When I was still a child and sick, I remember my mother getting 3 to 5 calamansi fruit and extract the juice, mixed a tablespoon of sugar or honey and let me drink it up to the last drop. She said it is good for me to get well soon. Of course I didn’t know it’s the Vitamin C that is helping me to get well. All I know is the sweet taste from the calamansi or citrus fruit.

calamansi juice
But aside from this reason, calamansi juice have been favorite in the rural village because calamansi is common in Ilocos region; second,  the easy preparation of juice drink. Just like that. Because eating one fruit is not acceptable because of the sour taste. Aside from juice drink, only few recipe that need the juice extract.
Here comes the lemonade.
One town in our province which is Tagudin got the perfect idea to serve the lemonade in plastic bottles—just like juice drinks in platic bottles lik soft drinks and teas.  They made the calamansi juice drink ready to drink. In the Trade Fair festivals, the town is selling the calamansi juice in their booth. The ready to drink juice is filled in the plastic bottles and was refrigerated. The people don’t need to go through the hard way, just twist the cap of the plastic bottle and drink the lemonade. And it cost less.

Drinking calamansi lemonade is good for our health. Here are some reasons why we should have lemonade:
    Cure coughs and expel the phlegm
    Helpful in dealing with a Hangover
    Prevent and Cure Osteoarthritis
    Maintains Kidney Health
    Great tonic for the Liver
    Prevent Diabetes
    Lighten Urine Color
    Lowers blood cholesterol

Other products from calamansi juice.
Aside from the lemonade, the town is also selling the concentrate juice extract. No water or sugar was added but just a pure citrus extract. One plastic bottle can be made to more than 20 glasses. You don’t need to harvest calamansi fruit because the extract is the practical way of making a glass of lemonade.
The other product from the juice is calamansi wine and the calamansi vinegar. The products are new twist for calamansi because its not only the lemonade now serving the calamansi. Now the vinegar and the wine are coming to town.
The good thing about these products, its organic and nutritious.###

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