Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kampa (Spiny Lobster)

Called kampa in Ilocano foods, this spiny lobster is hard to resist though some say it has  high cholesterol level.
There are two kinds of lobster, clawed lobster and spiny lobster. Of the two, clawed lobster is abundance in Ilocandia. Only few kind of spiny lobster can be found here in north. Locally known as kampa (and ipes when not yet fully grown-- as big as little finger), this spiny lobster is colored chocolate, and with its name, it has spikes and two long antenna. In seashore, some fishermen can catch this kind of kampa.

Though it is best to grilled or fried and laga. Kampa is also best to cooked as sinigang. Though some says it has a high level of cholesterol, but the smooth meat that can be found in its tail is so irresistible. With just tomato or pias, kamote leaves and seasoning. You'll love eating it with other sea foods.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ginitaang Palaka

Frog cooked in coconut milk with kamias
Exotic Food? Why not try the different recipes of from (palaka). Except of those bull frogs and poisonous frogs, Filipinos love to eat frog meat, whether it is fried, barbequed, grilled and stewed in coconut milk and even nilaga.

The taste is so delightful that you can compare it to the meat of chicken. What we need is just the coconut milk, then of course the melon grass or ginger, some vegetables leaves, cook in pan and put some chilli. Yes, a hard to resist dish that every one love to taste.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lechon (Roasted Pig)

When it comes to Pinoy Foods, everybody loves lechon baboy. No festivities, fiesta, weddings and any occasions that this pig with the apple in the mouth cant be found. Forget about cholesterol, high blood... the temptation is so strong that you must taste that crunchy roasted skin dipped in bagguong, sarsa, ketsup, or vinegar.

We, Ilocanoes loves so much also of lechon. Making it special, we have this karimbuaya (a cactus leaves cook in oil) that suppress bad odor and adding aromatic scent. Besides, they said that it also suppress the cholesterol.