Thursday, February 16, 2017

Traditional Kitchen Utensils

Before there was gold-plated fork and spoons and even plated plate and ladles, there was the coconut shell, bamboo and wooden that was used as kitchen utensils of the early homes of Ilocandia.

Gone are those utensils now. Only the metallic spoons, fork, ladles, plates  and bowls are used know in the kitchen of the Ilocano family. Of course, once in a while you can see these traditional kitchen utensils but not in restaurants or hotels but during traditional and ethnic festivals.

Coconut shells are made as ladles and bowls so the cook of the family have to use while cooking the recipe. The coconut shell is clean up thoroughly, replenish and make it very smooth surface. The bigger could be made as bowl but the smaller be made as ladles.

Bamboos can be a plate and ladles and a particular white wood is also made as ladle, big fork and big spoon.

Early Ilocano does not need spoon and fork because they eat with their own hands.###

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