Sunday, February 5, 2017

Some Facts About Pure Wild Honey Of Ilocandia

Let's not talk about the health benefits of honey, we know already the good benefits of honey to our health.

Lets talk about some facts, or trivia to others, about the the wild honey harvested and extracted in the remote mountains of Ilocos region. Its hard to identify the pure honey to fake honey being sold in the market. Hope some of these facts can help you.

1. Pure honey does not depend on the color. Color depends on particular season of the year the honey was harvested. So when the honey is harvested during May which is the flower season, the color of is darker while the honey extracted in February are yellow.

2. Color of honey also defends on the flowers the honeybees sipped the nectar. It also depends when the honey is younger and its lighter in color but when the honeys are aged, the color is darker.

3. To identify the pure honey when buying in countryside or rural places, take not of the white thing above. This proved it is pure. But when there are some small things at the bottom of the bottle, that is just dirt and proving its not pure.

4. Some honey are cook before selling in the market but some people think it spoils the minerals and health benefits.

5. Checking the honey is pure, take note of bottle cup because its not tightly gripped because doing it so, it can broke the bottle because of the pressure of honey.###

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